Development Agency functioning as a subordinate institution of Harghita County Council


Press release

Wednesday, April 5, 2023 - 16:15
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Értékünk az erdő!

Térségünk gazdag természeti értékekkel büszkélkedhet, amelyekben az erdők kiemelkedő jelentőséggel bírnak. Hargita Megye Fejlesztési Ügynökségének Hargita Megye Tanácsa által megbízott hatáskörébe tartozik az erdészet területén nyújtott tájékoztatás és tanácsadás biztosítása, amely prioritásaink között szerepel.

Thursday, September 16, 2021 - 15:33

On the 16th of August 2021,  in a press conference,  the “CAP Information measures for healthy and quality foods - CAPfuture” project’s members and main objectives were presented. The total value of the project to be implemented in the period between August 2021 and July 2022 is 182,185.69 Euros, the winner and the coordinator of this project is the Harghita County Development Agency.

The one-year project will include several exchanges of experience with the participation of the following countries: Slovakia, Belgium and Hungary, as well as many seminars for farmers as target group. The main guidelines of the project include the promotion of organic farming and the “Farm to Fork” mentality. The main objectives are to help young farmers to stay at  their  homeland, to support healthy food production and to validate local raising conditions in organic certification.

The project has more than 800 direct beneficiaries  and 700.000 indirectly informed people.

Thursday, December 17, 2020 - 11:52

Agenția de Dezvoltare Județeană Harghita, împreună cu Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Harghita, au acordat peste 900 de materiale auxiliare (suport de predare și studiere) către 14 instituții de învățământ pentru a sprijini și a consolida învățământul profesional.
Elementele de bază ale profilelor de electricieni, casieri și servire în restaurație sunt prezentate în broșurile oferite, mijloace de învățare care îi ajută pe elevii care studiază în clasele de limbă maghiară să ajungă la curent cu cerințele noi ale meseriilor.

Thursday, June 6, 2019 - 15:13
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The Agency of Development of Harghita County pays accentuated attention on the youth`s home-remaining , as well as on the succeeding of the young entrepreneurs on their homeland. The `Ciuc-Exhibition` with it's 29th edition, known as a tradition with more than a decade of reputation, is organized in Csíkszereda (Miercurea-Ciuc) in the ' Erőss Zsolt` Hall between 23 th and 26 th of May 2019. With the support of the Agency, many manufacturers participate with their local, szekely, traditional and trade-marked products on this year's exhibition. All those who are interested can choose from a wide range of honey-specialities, just as from jams, jellyies and syrups that are made from natural ingredients. Likewise with the support of the Agency, `Tünde Natura` offers manufactured cosmetics; the `Moorsini Sewing` hanging textile armchairs and other products made of textile; and `Raster Line` offers printing/design services for all those who are interested.

Thursday, June 6, 2019 - 15:09

We are present for the third time here in the United Kingdom, with our high quality szekely products. During the three days, we are expecting to come more than 20.000 interested visitors to our market. Delicious foods, and the best parts of the szekely culture are waiting for our english guests. With this event, we would like to get acquainted the aboundig culture and gastronomy of the Pannonian Basin with the residents of the United Kingdom.

Not only we are talking about the fact that the szekely products should have been spread around Europe, but also we are working on it to fulfill this aim!

Thursday, April 4, 2019 - 14:22
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2019. április 4.-én Hargita Megye Fejlesztési Ügynöksége részéről Cilip Árpád és Király Szabolcs mutatták be – a diákok körében végzett – három felmérés eredményét a székelyudvarhelyi „Eötvös József” Szakközépiskolába.

A nagy számban résztvevő diákok három felmérés eredményével ismerkedhettek meg: az első a végzős diákok terveit mutatta be, a második a külföldről hazatért fiatalok tapasztalatait és a harmadik a nyolcadikos diákok jövőre vonatkozó terveit szemléltette.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - 09:17
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The web page, created by the Development Agency of Harghita County has been awarded.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016 - 10:55

Harghita County Council and the Development Agency of Harghita County developed and lunched the web page at the end of May. The web page has already shown great results and proved to be useful.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 09:57

There is an initiative to modify the law on the re-employment of mothers after maternity leave, in order to find an optimal solution for both mothers with small children and the employers.
